Together we can make it.
In the health sector the KIRUDEF works towards achieving the following objectives: Water and sanitation
KIRUDEF is involved in the effort of providing clean and safe water to the rural communities.In the local community safe water is relatively
unaccessible since the sources of water are very far from homesteads and few are safe for human consumption. In a bid to protect the community, KIRUDEF has ventured in protecting water springs, providing shallow wells and small scale rural growth center water supply.
On top of that, KIRUDEF has come with a project of constructing rain water catchment tanks for people who have iron sheet roofed houses. All this is in a bid to make clean and safe water readily available to the people to combat diseases like cholera, bilharzia and diarrhea among others.
40% percent of households in Uganda lack a toilet/latrine and in rural areas particularly the percentage is up to about 67% where most vulnerable people like women and children reside. They are thus vulnerable to diseases and poor health. As a result they spend an average of 50,000 Uganda shillings on medical bill per month yet they rely on subsistence income less than 30,000 Uganda shillings monthly.
Since it is a hectic task KIRUDEF works in partnership with local NGOs in the local communities to sensitise the locals on proper sanitary practices in homes like boiling drinking water, constructing safe latrines, sleeping under mosquito nets among others.But it is worthnoting that for this undertaking KIRUDEF is understaffed and has insufficient funds to register credible success.
The measure of success shall be reduction on levels of malaria, HIV prevalence levels and waterborne diseases as well Ante natal related mortality plus infant mortality.Infections related to poor hygiene and sanitation are expected to reduce
as evidence of success of the undertakings by KIRUDEF in the health sector.